about me

I am a single mother to two little boys, Wyatt and Owen.
Wyatt was born 6.21.09 and is strong-willed, comical, stubborn like his mama, curious to the point of exhaustion, artsy, sweet and caring. He has taught me to love like I never knew possible, to feel empathy like I didn't know existed,  and learn patience on an entirely new level. 

Owen was born 9.10.12. He's just a little. We are falling more and more in love with him everyday. Owen is proof to me that often times blessings come in disguise. I can't imagine not having my boys.

Being a single mom is insane and stressful sometimes. It's also rewarding and fun and I wouldn't go back in time to make it different. This is my life and I love it.
My blog has turned into more of a public journal I keep. You're welcome to read and comment! I would LOVE to make new blog friends!

the 3 of us
I believe that my children are unique and special and it is my job as a parent to encourage and love whom ever they become.
I am not a perfect parent, my son throws tantrums in public, my boys sleep in bed with me, I raise my voice sometimes and I have been known to use candy to bribe good behavior. Sometimes at the end of the day I want to pull my hair out, thank God I'm always too tired. I am using the tools and knowledge I have today to be the best mommy I can be.
I forgive myself for all of my mistakes because I am not perfect-- I am real.
This is my only life and I intend to live the heck out of it.

1 comment:

  1. Mallory,
    You are an amazing young woman, an amazing mother, & your blogs are pretty amazing also.
