we have had a blast this december.
we took the train to san diego to visit uncle matt and future aunt michelle.
the train ride was delayed due to a train that had derailed the night before but
the boys were champs, despite the 6 hours spent on a train in one day.
we did some holiday baking.
we made home made marshmallows which turned out awesome!

in san diego...
what a fun day!
baby wrapping at its finest.
little man was so tired and our train stopped for about forty minutes,
owie was exhausted but settled right in and went to sleep once i wrapped him.
papa and wyatt waiting for the train.
owen looking out the window, he was so excited and curious!
wyatt checking the waves...
always eating, the only time he sits still!
crazy face.
uncle matt, wyatt, aunt michelle and bun in the oven....
santa was nervous about this one!
owen was terrified, poor guy.
wyatt told santa in detail everything he wanted, he was such a big boy.

wall art.
i used fabric scraps and modge podge.
i really love this wall!
owen was upset because i put him in his crib for this picture,
he never uses his crib.
chalk board paint with a frame i got from a flea market...
and wyatt wrote his name!
christmas eve was so much fun.
family came over and we opened gifts, the boys made out like bandits!
owen loved loved loved christmas! he was so full of joy
and amazement. he was christmased out by noon.
christmas night my bff and her husband and bun in the oven came and stayed the night.
i was so happy to spend time with them, i love them to death.
i can't believe this year is coming to an end.
i am happy and relieved.
i feel like 2014 will only be better and more magical.
i've learned a lot this year, completed a semester of school and raised
two beautiful boys who just won't stop growing!
i'm ready for 2014.
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