wow. this past week zoomed by.
it was a tad bit stressful and also fun.
my car had been undrivable for a few weeks now and
i've been looking into all of my options.
my sister jumped on board and started calling dealerships
and really working hard to get me a good deal.
she did just that!
i drove home my first ever brand new car yesterday afternoon!
i am madly in love.
i want to drive everywhere!
wyatt's birthday last weekend turned out great.
more people came than rsvp'd but that's ok, it was great.
i realized though that i am the world's worst party planner.
i'm serious.
but no one seemed to care, and we all had fun.
wyatt had a blast and got many wonderful gifts.

last week i stayed with penny and oliver while my sister celebrated her birthday in vegas.
i got the kids off to school for their last day of school.
my nieces esme` and zadie were also down for the weekend.
it was busy weekend!

the past week...

I forgot about blogger for a while- it was fun catching up on all your posts!! xo kellie